Cyberpunk Talk, Choom

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This is another system that I'm a big fan of running/playing. Low class and high flying, Cyberpunk 2020 depicts a dark future decked out in shining chrome. Cyberpunk overall recently gained popularity with the release of Cyberpunk 2077 and the accompanying anime Edgerunners. I liked the anime, but I don't think 2077 is really worth playing. 2020 is a system that doesn't pull punches and kills characters dead if they make too many mistakes. Sometimes, it's just one big mistake that sends someone from being a high-flying punk to a mess on the pavement. It's a merciless game, and as a guy who runs games often I'm occasionally in the mood for it.

Cyberpunk 2020 is an admittedly dated system that relies largely on d10 rolls as a resolution mechanic, with d6 rolls being most common for damage. One of my minor peeves with it RAW is just how often you can absolutely and totally bungle a roll, often in a way that's life-threatening regardless of skill! I've houseruled confirming fumbles when my players roll a 1, and they can spend a point of their LUCK to avoid the outcome. The risk is still there, but the odds of a grizzled punk shooting themselves in the face with their saturday night special's less likely.

I've got some physical books, I'll be uploading pictures of them soon!